SAHS Third Quarter Newsletter
August 23, 2023
From the President
Hello members! Wow, has this summer flown by! After such a mild spring we are really paying for it now with the high heat and humidity! Please be sure to stay safe and stay out of this heat. And now let me give you a rundown on what's happening with the SAHS:
Maureen's Retirement
First and most importantly, after 14 years of devoted service Maureen Schuyler has announced her retirement effective September 16, 2023. Obviously, this has a HUGE impact for our organization, and is very bitter sweet. I know I speak for the Board and Society alike when I say that she will be extremely missed and never replaced. We wish her (and Jim) the very best in a long and prosperous retirement, and hold tremendous gratitude for the years of her dedication to the museum, the society and its members, and to the city of Senoia.
Like many of you, Maureen and Jim welcomed Leslee and I into the SAHS when we first moved to Senoia and made us feel a part of the community immediately. Her infectious enthusiasm for all things SAHS was apparent from the beginning - especially with the museum. It is hard not to get excited yourself when Maureen introduces a new artifact or explains an interesting detail within our museum. Our first friends in town were the members of SAHS, and we owe Maureen a big thank you for her friendly and generous reception. Maureen has been the face of SAHS and no one has worked harder or put so much of themselves into this organization as Maureen Schuyler. Please join me, the Board, and our community in wishing her the very best in retirement.
Cheers Maureen!

We are planning a retirement party for Saturday, August 26 at 4:00pm. Please join me, the Board and your fellow SAHS members as we celebrate Maureen’s tremendous contributions to the historical society.
Fundraising & Financial Status
Let me also take this opportunity to emphasize how important it is to support our fundraising events. With only four events planned annually, we try to focus on making each a great experience and a successful money generator for the society. Our main income stream centers on membership dues, corporate sponsorships and fundraisers. Our outreach efforts center on our monthly programs and fundraisers. Therefore, in many ways the success of our fundraisers is instrumental in membership growth and meeting our operating budget. Between SAHS, Alive After Five, DDA events, Taste of Senoia, Farmers Market, etc, the city of Senoia has many events that compete for your attention, time and quite frankly, your money. Please do your best to attend and encourage your friends & neighbors to attend the SAHS events.
Several members have requested more transparency in our financial status. In recognition of this, I have asked SAHS Treasurer Dennis Sanford to include a financial summary in the newsletter. It will include our year to date income vs expenses as well as a summary of assets. It will not include the ongoing expenses of the Carmichael Initiative until all expenses are consolidated. The second quarter summary can be found at the end of this letter, and as always, any questions regarding our finances are welcomed and should be directed to me or Dennis.
And speaking of the Carmichael Initiative, our progress has slowed in the last two months. In exchange for discounted materials and services the Board has been extremely patient with our suppliers and subcontractors. The good news here is that we have saved a significant amount of expense, but the bad news is our scheduling is terrible! Specifically, the saw mill used to cut our exterior siding and flooring has delayed its final shipment. A labor shortage and several equipment malfunctions has resulted in the current 60-day wait. This material supply is on the project "critical path" and therefore has delayed the overall project. We expect the material any week now, but we were forced to postpone the ribbon cutting until a clearer completion date is determined. In the meantime, we have completed as much as we can while waiting on the siding and flooring - including the new meeting room, new museum layout, new air conditioning unit and new storage room.
We held our first program in the new meeting room in July ("Taz & Trace") on a bare subfloor, and we got a feel of how well the new room will work for us.

If you have not seen our interior progress, I encourage you to stop by - perhaps attend the August program "Murder in Coweta County - A Riveting Look" on August 10th at 7pm.

And of course, we are still soliciting donations and/or participation in our promissory note program. We are within our original proposed budget but would like to raise $50,000 more to avoid any incurred debt.
The Nomination Committee is seeking candidates for the 2024 Board. As you most likely know, the Board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member at Large, and Museum Director. If you would like to serve on the upcoming Board, or recommend someone you feel could help, please let me or Barbara know by August 15th.
Finally. let me go back to Maureen's retirement. Obviously, we need to find a new Museum Director. Maureen is leaving the museum in excellent shape with great curation, a new and expanded museum layout, and a well-trained and motivated docent staff. We plan to keep our museum hours and basic operation the same, but we need help. The Board would like to act in August. If you have any desire to help fill this role, please reach out to me, Barbara or Maureen for more information by August 15th. We would love to use your talents and continue our mission to collect and share Senoia's history.
Steve Maloy, President, Senoia Area Historical Society
Maureen’s retirement letter:
Hello to SAHS members,
The time has come for me to retire as the Museum Director of the Senoia Area Historical Society’s History Museum, with a target date of September 16, 2023.
Over the last 14 years we created and maintained a place to safeguard and share Senoia’s history, fulfilling the dream of our charter members. We have established and staffed a History Museum that is admired and respected by people from all over the world.
Giving the Historical Society and the town of Senoia a history museum was the goal set back in 20910. I think we could say that we met that goal and a few others along the way, and it is now time for a new generation to carry on the legacy.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked with five board administrations each with its own strengths, and I am especially grateful for the opportunity to work with each of my volunteers throughout this journey. They are all very special to me and I will cherish the memories we have made together.
Never underestimate YOUR value. The museum is here because YOU care!
Maureen Schuyler
When was the last time YOU visited the Museum? So much is new, including a rearrangement of space! We have acquired a "piece of the wall" from Scott Tigchelaar and a Senoia-made horse collar from Callie Welden. And that is just for starters. Come by and see what is new.

We invite you all to come to the Museum on Friday, September 15th between 1:00-4:00 to meet Dr. Gary McIntosh. See the attached flyer and be sure to be here at 2:00 when he will present a program about the Creek Nation and the McIntosh family.

Docents are needed every Friday and Saturday in August from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Docents, please go to Sign Up Genius and sign up today!
Financial information as of 7-31-2023
Cash in Bank: $32,426 – All accounts
Accounts Payable: $0
Income to date: $35,392
Expenses to date: $25,684
The Museum renovation expenses are maintained on a separate account basis so as to not interfere with the normal cash flow operations of the Museum. Expenditures to date have been approximately $138,600 and funds raised from a combination of donations and the Member Loan program equal approximately $143,277. Although we are within our construction budget, there is an anticipated $55,000 shortfall of available funds after the work is completed. This will need to be funded utilizing a prearranged Line of Credit from the Griffin National Bank or additional funding from donations.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks for your support.
Dennis A. Sanford, Treasurer
714-299-9865 Cell
Shout to Corporate Patrons

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Give Wendy a call at (770) 727-9826 and she will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Senoia Engineering Solutions is a consulting company based out of the Atlanta metropolitan area that specializes in cost engineering and value analysis of electronic and electromechanical assemblies. We help clients find ways to reduce their costs by drawing from over 35 years of engineering, manufacturing, quality and purchasing experience with automotive, appliance, and off-road OEMs. Jeff and Susan Miller have been long-time supporters of the Senoia Area Historical Society.